Welcome, readers. I'm Sarah Chrisman, the author of the Tales of Chetzemoka series which you can find on Amazon, and I've been interviewed by a lot of reporters who will promise one thing to get me to do an interview and then they'll completely twist everything I said to them or otherwise misrepresent things in order to suit their own agendas or sell whatever they happen to be selling, and I'm really tired of it. So I decided to put together this series of videos in order to get some truths out there and to share some things with you that I really want to share with you. And one of the really important things to know about me is that I'm a writer. It's what I've always wanted to do since I was a very little girl, and so a lot of these videos are going to be delving into my stories and all the work that goes into my stories, and all the fun history. So I hope that you'll enjoy these videos and that you'll share them with your friends. And let's all have some fun together!
Hey, there! I'm Sarah A. Chrisman, the author of the Tales of Chetzemoka, and today I'm going to be showing you my tricycle, which is the same model of tricycle that Ethel has in Three Women Awheel, my latest book.
This is a Coventry rotary roadster tricycle, which those of you who have been reading the books will know is the company that Jacob represents in the stories. It's a two track tricycle, which is different from the ones that Addie and Lizzie have: theirs are three track. On a three track [trike] you have to keep track of three different places in the road, and if you hit a bump on any one of them or a hole on any one of them, which frequently happened because the roads were terrible back then, then you're in trouble. On a two track tricycle you only have two lines to worry about, so it's a little simpler. Also, because it only has one big driving wheel it saves a lot of weight versus the three track ones.
I've taken you out here to a place where I was watching wild owls back when I was writing the story. I think they're asleep right now so we can't expect to see them, but they're there somewhere. Just know they're sleeping.
The steering on the rotary roadster is done by this little handle here, and it controls these two small wheels. Those are the steering wheels. This big wheel is just for driving the machine. It is a fixed gear, so any time this big wheel is in motion, the pedals are in motion. And then this right here is the brake. It levers against a leather band that goes around the hub of the wheel, and that brakes when you go down a hill or get going too fast. And then, already in the 1880s they were using a chain drive technology on this tricycle. The bicycles didn't have it yet, but the ladies' trikes did. And these right here are the coasting pegs: for when you get going fast, you can just put your feet up, and sit back and relax. But not relax too much, or it will get away with you!
So there you have it! My Coventry rotary roadster, just like Ethel's in the book. I hope you'll enjoy the story. I hope you liked this video: if you did, give it a nice thumbs up, please, and be sure and tell your friends about my books! Happy reading!