My two novels, A Dream On Two Wheels and its sequel Tides of the Island Mountain, are alternate history stories - books where a slight difference in the past changed the course of history. They take place in a fictitious world wherein Henry Ford was a bicycle manufacturer who actively campaigned against the automobile, thus changing the entire twentieth century. (Curious about what was different? I’ll run features on each book later, so be sure to check back for further details!)
My short stories are mostly science fiction and fantasy, and several have won awards. My favorite so far, “The Fabulous Beast,” won honorable mention in the L. Ron Hubbard Writer’s of the Future contest a few years back, resulting in a congratulatory phone call from the contest’s office in Hollywood, and much excitement on my part. One non-fiction story (“The Samurai,” a true story relating an anectdote from my time living in Japan) which originally appeared in the collection has been removed from my hand-bound books, but for the best of reasons: re-titled “Imperial Benediction,” it will shortly be appearing in the upcoming anthology, Not Your Mother’s Book on Travel.
My most popular book to date, with over two hundred hand-bound copies sold to readers on four continents, is my non-fiction work, Waisted Curves: My Transformation Into A Victorian Lady.
A video review of the book may be seen here: