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The Language and Sentiment of Flowers
As recorded in
Hill's Manual of Social and Business Forms (p. 136-137)
Acacia, Rose... Friendship
Acanthus... Art
Adonis, Flos... Painful recollections
Agnus Castus... Coldness; life without love
Agrimony... Gratitude
Almonds... Giddiness; heedlessness
Aloe... Bitterness
Amaranth... Immortality; Unfading
Amaryllis... Beautiful but timid
Anemone, Garden... Forsaken; Withered hopes; Illness
Amethys... Admiration
Anemone, Windflower... Desertion
Angelica... Inspiration
Apple Blossom... Preference
Arbor Vitae... Unchanging friendship
Arbutus... Thee only do I love
Ash... Grandeur
Aspen... Sighing
Asphodel... Remembered beyond the tomb
Aster, Double German... Variety
Aster, Large flowered... Afterthought; love of variety
Bachelors' Button... Hope; Single Blessedness
Balm, Mint... Pleasantry
Balm of Gilead... Healing; I am cured
Balsamine... Impatience
Barberry... Petulance; Ill temper
Basil... Give me your good wishes
Bay Leaf... I change but in death
Beech... Lovers' tryst; Prosperity
Begonia... Deformed
Bindweed... Humility; Night
Birch... Grace; Elegance
Bittersweet Nightshade... Truth
Blackthorn, or Sloe... Difficulties
Bladder Tree... Frivolous amusement
Blue Bell... Constancy
Blue Bottle... Delicacy
Borage... Abruptness
Box... Stoicism
Briers... Envy
Broom... Neatness; Humility
Bryony, Black... Be my support
Buckbean... Calmness; Repose
Bugloss... Falsehood
Bulrush... Docility
Burdock... Touch me not; Importunity
Buttercup... Ritches; Memories of childhood
Cabbage... Profit
Calla... Delicacy; Modesty
Camillia... Gratitude; Perfect loveliness
Camomile... Energy in Adversity
Candytuft... Indifference; Architecture
Canterbury Bell... Constancy
Cardinal Flower... Distinction; Preferment
Carnation... Pure and deep love
China Aster... Love of variety
Cedar Leaf... I live for thee
Cherry... A good education
Chestnut... Do me justice
Cercus, Night Blooming... Transient Beauty
Chiccory... Frugality; Economy
Chrysanthemum... A heart left to desolation
Cinnamon Tree... Forgiveness of injustice
Cinquefoil... A beloved daughter
Cistus... Surety
Clover, Red... Industry
Clematis... Mental beauty; Artifice
Clover, White... I promise
Clover, Four Leaved... Be mine
Cockle... Vain is beauty without merit
Coltsfoot... Justice shall be done you
Columbine, Red... Anxious and trembling
Coreopsis... Always cheerful
Coriander... Hidden merit
Corn... Riches; Abundance
Cornelian, Cherry... Continuance, Duration
Cowslip... Native grace; Pensiveness
Coxcomb... Foppery
Crocus... Cheerfulness
Cresses... Stability
Crowfoot... Ingratitude
Currant... Thy frown will kill me
Crown, Imperial... Power; Pride of birth
Cucumber... Criticism
Cypress... Despair; Mourning
Dahlia... Dignity and elegance
Daffodil... Unrequited love
Daisy, Garden... I share your feelings
Daisy, Single Field... I will think of it
Dandelion... Oracle; Coquetry
Datura... Deceitful Charms
Dew plant... Serenade
Dittany of Crete... Birth
Dodder... Meanness; Baseness
Ebony Tree... Blackness
Eglantine... Poetry; I wound to heal
Elder... Compassion
Elecampane... Tears
Everlasting... Always remembered
Everlasting Pea... Will thou go with me?
Fennel... Force; Strength
Fern... Sincerity
Fir... Elevation
Flos, Adonis... Painful recollections
Forget-me-not... Do not forget
Foxglove... Insincerity; Occupation
Fraxinella... Fire
Fuchsia... Taste; Frugality
Gentian... Intrinsic worth
Geranium, Ivy... I engage you for the next dance
Geranium, Oak... A melancholy mind
Geranium, Rose... I prefer you
Geranium, Scarlet... Silliness
Gilliflower, Common... Lasting beauty
Gladiolus... Ready armed
Goats' Rue... Reason
Gold Basket... Tranquility
Goose berry... Anticipation
Grape vine... Intemperance
Grass... Utility; Submission
Greek Valerian... Rupture
Golden Rod... Encouragement
Gorse, or Turze... Anger
Harebell... Retirement; Grief
Hawthorn... Hope
Hazel... Reconciliation
Heath... Solitude
Heliotrope... I adore you; Devotion
Henbane... Blemish; Fault
Hibiscus... Delicate beauty
Hoarhound... Fire
Holly... Am I forgotten? Foresight
Hollyhock... Fecundity; Ambition
Honey Flower... Sweet and secret love
Honeysuckle... Devoted love; Fidelity
Hop... Injustice
Hornbean... Ornament
Horse Chestnut... Luxury
Houstania... Innocence; Content
Houseleek... Domestic economy
Hyacinth... Constancy; Benevolence
Hydrangea... Vain-glory; Heartlessness
Ice plant... Your looks freeze me
Indian plum... Privation
Iris, Common Garden... A message for thee
Iris, German... Flame
Ivy... Friendship; marriage
Jasmine, White... Amiability
Jasmine, Yellow... Grace and elegance
Jonquil... Desire; Affection returned
Jumper... Asylum; Aid; Protection
Laburnum... Pensive beauty
Ladyslipper... Capricious beauty
Larch... Boldness; Audacity
Larkspur, Pink... Lightness; Fickleness
Laurel, American... Words, though sweet, may deceive
Lantana... Rigor
Laurel, Mountain... Glory; Victory; Ambition
Laurestine... I die if neglected
Lavatera... Sweet disposition
Lavender... Mistrust
Lemon Blossom... Prudence; Discretion
Lettuce... Cold hearted; Coolness
Lichen... Dejection
Lilac, Purple... First emotions of love
Lilac, White... Youth
Lily, Water... Eloquence
Lily, White... Majesty; Purity
Lily of the Valley... Return of happiness
Linden, or lime... Conjugal; Marriage
Liverwort... Confidence
Locust Tree, Green... Love beyond the grave
Lotus Leaf... Recantation
Lucern... Life
Lupine... Dejection
Madder... Calumny
Magnolia... Love of Nature
Maiden Hair... Discretion
Majoram... Blushes
Machineel Tree... Falseness
Mandrake... Rarity
Maple... Reserve
Marigold... Sacred affection
Marigold, Garden... Grief; Chagrin
Marigold, Rainy... A storm
Marigold and Cypress... Despair
Marshmallow... Beneficence
Marvel of Peru... Timidity
Mayflower... Welcome
Meadow Saffron... My best days are past
Mezercon... Desire to please
Mignonette... Your qualities surpass your charms
Milfoil... War
Mint... Virtue
Milkweed... Hope in misery
Mistletoe... I surmount everything
Mock Orange... Counterfeit; Uncertainty
Monkshood... Treachery; A foe is near
Morning glory... Coquetry; Affection
Mountain Ash... I watch over you
Moss... Maternal love
Mourning Bride... I have lost all
Mugwort... Good luck; Happiness
Mulberry, Black... I shall not survive you
Mulberry, White... Wisdom
Mullen... Good nature
Mushroom... Suspicion
Musk plant... Weakness
Myrtle... Love in Absence
Myrrh... Gladness
Narcissus... Egotism; Self-love
Nasturtium... Patriotism; Splendor
Nettle... Cruelty
Nightshade... Dark thoughts; Sorcery
Oak... Hospitality; Bravery
Oleander... Beware
Olive... Peace
Orange flower... Chastity
Orchis, Bee... Error
Orchis, Spider... Skill
Oster... Frankness
Osmunda... Reverie
Oxalis... Wood sorrel
Pansy, Purple... You occupy my thoughts
Parsley... Festivity; Banquet
Passion Flower... Devotion; Religious fervor
Peach Blossom... I am your captive
Peony... Ostentation; Anger
Persimmons... Bury me amid Nature's beauties
Peppermint... Warmth of feeling
Pennyroyal... Flee away
Periwinkle... Sweet memories
Phlox... Our hearts are united
Pimpernel... Rendezvous; Change
Pine... Endurance; Daring
Pine Apple... You are perfect
Pink, Red... Pure love
Plane, or Plantain... Genuis
Plum Tree... Keep your promises
Plum, Wild... Independence
Polyanthus... Heart's misery
Pomegranate... Conceit
Pompion, or Pumpkin... Grossness; Coarseness
Poplar, Black... Courage
Poplar, White... Time
Poppy, Corn... Consolation
Poppy, White... Sleep; Oblivion
Potatoe [sic]... Benevolence
Primrose... Modest worth; Silent love
Privit, or Prim... Prohibition
Purple Scabious... Mourning
Queen of the Meadow... Uselessness
Quince... Temptation
Ranunculus, Garden... You are radiant with charms
Reeds... Music
Rest Harrow... Obstacle
Rhododendron... Agitation
Rhubarb... Advice
Rosebud... Confession of love
Rosebud, White... Too young to love
Rose, Cinnamon... Without pretension
Rose, Hundred leaved... The Graces
Rose, Austrian... Thou art all that is lovely
Rose Leaf... I never trouble
Rose, Monthly... Beauty ever new
Rose, Moss... Superior merit; Voluptuosness
Rose, Musk... Capricious beauty
Rose, Red... I love you
Rose, White... Silence
Rose, Wild, Single... Simplicity
Rose, Yellow... Infidelity; Unfaithfulness
Rosemary... Remembrance; Your presence revives me
Rue... Disdain
Rush... Docility
Saffron, Meadow... My best days are past
Saffron, Crocus... Do not abuse me
Sage... Domestic virtue; Esteem
St. John's Wort... Animosity
Sardonia... Irony
Satin Flower... Forgetfulness
Scratch Weed... Roughness
Scotch Thistle... Retaliation
Sensitive Plant... Sensitiveness; Modesty
Serpent Cactus... Horror
Service Tree, or Sorb... Prudence
Shepherd's Purse... I offer you my all
Silver Weed... Naiveté
Snapdragon... Presumption
Snowball... Goodness; Thoughts of Heaven
Snowdrop... Consolation; A friend in adversity
Sorrel... Parental Affection
Speedwell... Fidelity
Spindle Tree... Your charms are graven on my heart
Star of Bethlehem... Reconciliation; Purity
Straw, Broken... Quarrel
Strawberry... Perfect excellence
Sumach... Splendid misery
Sunflower, Tall... Lofty and wise thoughts
Sunflower... False riches
Sunflower, Dwarf... Adoration
Sweet Flag... Fitness
Sweet Pea... A meeting
Sweet Sultan... Happiness
Sweet William... Gallantry; Finesse; Dexterity
Syringa... Memory; Fraternal love
Sycamore... Curiosity
Tare... Vice
Teasel... Misanthropy
Thistle... Austerity
Thorn Apple... Disguise
Thrift... Sympathy
Thyme... Activity
Tremella... Resistance
Tube Rose... Dangerous Pleasure; Vuluptuousness; Sweet Voice
Tulip, Variegated... Beautiful eyes
Tulip, Red... Declaration of love
Valerian, Common... Accomodating disposition
Valerian... Facility
Venus's Looking Glass... Flattery
Verbena... Sensibility; Sensitiveness
Verbena, Purple... I weep for you; Regret
Verbena, White... Purity; Candor; Modesty
Vervain... Enchantment
Vernal Grass... Poor, but happy
Vetch... I cling to thee
Violet, Blue... Faithfulness
Violet, White... Purity; Candor; Modesty
Volkamenia... May you be happy
Wall Flower... Fidelity in misfortune
Weeping Willow... Melancholy
Wheat... Wealth
Whortleberry... Treachery
Willow, Common... Forsaken
Willow Herb... Pretension
Wood Sorrel... Joy
Woodbine... Fraternal love
Wormwood... Absence
Yarrow... Cure for the heartache
Yew... Sadness
Zinnia... I mourn your absence
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