Wall of Shame!
Failed interview requests by bad reporters. These didn't even merit a response. However, for your entertainment, Sarah's private commentary is provided in red italics.
Instructions on form: Thank you for your interest! Use the form below to contact us about interviews. Please be sure to answer all questions carefully, as your answers will determine both whether you're a good fit for us and whether or not we grant your interview request. (At the bottom of this page you can find examples of both successful and unsuccessful interview requests.) Please note that at this time we are only granting interview requests that focus on Sarah's books and her work as a writer.
Submitted Information:
Kiara Wells
[email protected]
Who do you represent?
Caters Media Group/Caters News Agency
Which of Sarah's books will your piece be discussing?
We were actually hoping to discuss both Sarah and Gabriel's life as a "Victorian Couple" and dedicate a Snapchat episode to their lifestyle, their lives together, inspirations etc.
Clearly you didn't read the instructions at the top of the page stating that we are only granting interviews about my books. Moreover, you lost any hope of being considered at all when you put sarcastic quotes around the phrase Victorian couple.
Please give some examples of the questions you'll be asking. (The more the better, but please make sure they relate to Sarah's books!)
Some example of questions I will ask are:
What are you names, ages and occupations?
Can you tell me about your day-to-day life?
What criticisms do you come across either in person or online?
How did you both meet?
Do you take the Victorian values into your own lives, or it is more the aesthetic?
Why did Sarah decide to be an author? - Extending on this, what are her inspirations etc.
Do you find it hard to not let modern day life get in your way?
You would really benefit from going back to school and re-taking the third grade, both to learn how to read instructions and to gain a better grasp of the English language.
Please describe any compensation involved with your project.
For our Snapchat episode, we do not offer monetary compensation I am afraid, it is more of a platform to tell people's stories. We are happy to add a watermark of ThisVictorianLife so our viewers can easily find you.
How stupid do you think we are? You are getting paid plenty to take advantage of people: if there were any doubt about this, the most basic of searches into your employer would dispel them. As for a watermark, that's not compensation: that's image credit which is required by copyright law, so please do not be so condescending as to imply that it's some sort of favor.
How did you learn about us? (Please be specific.)
I was actually on the lookout to find some stories and I am a huge history nerd. I wanted to see if there was anyone who took inspiration from history. That's when I came across some articles about Sarah and Gabriel.
In the first place, "I came across some articles" is about as unspecific as it gets. In the second place, let's call a spade a spade: you're not a history nerd, you're a gossip monger. A history nerd would read my books (or at least watch my videos — for pity's sake, they're free and it's not hard). Gossip mongers just read what other people say about us and then waste our time with queries like this one. Go away now, you bother me.
Submitted Information:
Bethan Kapur
[email protected]
Who do you represent?
Future Studios
Which of Sarah's books will your piece be discussing?
We would be discussing her lifestyle generally and filming her for our YouTube series Hooked on The Look
Did your third-grade teacher never tell you to read directions?
Please give some examples of the questions you'll be asking. (The more the better, but please make sure they relate to Sarah's books!)
Can you tell me about your daily routine?
What got you jnto this aesthetic?
What do these questions have to do with my books — and since when is "into" spelled with a "j"?
Please describe any compensation involved with your project.
We can pay a certain amount depending on our budget and what we can film
How suspiciously vague…
How did you learn about us? (Please be specific.)
A news article
Clearly you need to review the meaning of the word "specific".