Services We Offer
Click on the links for more information and to arrange for consulting projects, presentations, or tours. We look forward to working with you!
Historical Consulting / Research Help
Live, in-person presentations / Book talks
Long-distance book talks via Skype
Writing Services
(Media representatives: please use our "Press" form. Thank you!)
Past work and testimonials
This Victorian Life at the Belle Meade Plantation in Nashville, Tennessee
Read about our trip to Tennessee by clicking here
Consulting work for the mystery series, A Person Known to Me. One of the directors' comments about our work together:
Slideshow: Consulting work for a documentary, Elwha River project.
We stepped into this project at a mature stage of its development and provided cultural background and research tips on primary sources for Native American fishing rights in the 20th century.
Slideshow: This Victorian Life: Historical Living in the Modern World at the W.W. Seymour Conservatory in Tacoma, WA
Slideshow: Victorian cycling presentation and Victorian Secrets book event at Village Books in Bellingham, WA.
Slideshows: Presentation on Victorian-era cycling for an elementary school in Auburn, WA, and thank you cards from the students.
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